Why Freedom Cells?

The Freedom Cells introduce meaningful change – powered by you.

Create local communities, chat with others, meet in person, buy & sell, date, organize events, and more…


Internationally, there are 39409 members of the Freedom Cells network.

Our Principles


The Freedom Cell Network is international in scale with cells in many countries around the world. The most important presence of Freedom Cells is at the local level, where members build community relationships and work together towards common goals. Local connections are the most direct source for collaboration and assistance.


The Freedom Cell Network is decentralized, horizontally organized, and operates through voluntary association. No one person or group has authority over another. This allows the knowledge and decision making of the group to be diffused among group members. Cells should not be dependent on 1 or 2 people to function.


Our mantra is “Assume Everyone knows the problems, Focus on the Solutions!”. This website and the Network in general are not meant to be places to discuss the latest conspiracy theory or to obsess over what “They” are doing. We only have a limited amount of time and energy, lets use that time to take action!


The Freedom Cell Network does not condone, support, or endorse the initiation of violence against individuals, government officials, or corporations. We are a peaceful movement focused on creating not destroying.

We are for building new institutions and parallel systems, not violent revolution. The FC Network does, however, support all individuals’ right to self-defense.


We focus on building, not voting, lobbying, or politicking. Politics are not solutions to our current problems and we aren’t waiting around for politicians to make the world a better place. We are taking responsibility for ourselves and our community by working together to create the parallel systems needed secure our freedom. To be clear, the promotion of political candidates or issues is discouraged the within the network.


What Are Freedom Cells?

Freedom Cells are local, self-directed peer to peer groups of a small number of people (6-10 is ideal).

Cell members organize themselves in a decentralized manner with no member having authority over other participants. The cells work towards empowering one another and the network as a whole.

What do Freedom Cells Do?

Local cells work together to accomplish common goals while establishing new parallel systems, educating each other, and practicing peaceful non-compliance. Think of it as your support network.

The goals of a Freedom Cell may be acheived in ways including, but not limited to the following:

  • hosting skill share presntations
  • ensuring food storage
  • setting up encrypted communications
  • creating emergency plans
  • learning self defense methods

All the while, cell members make themselves readily available to render mutual aid to their tribe, in whatever form that may come.

How can Freedom Cells work?

As the group expands beyond the initial 6-10 members, or “inner cadre,”, they begin to organize into additional cells. These individual cells form organically and may be focused on special interests (parenting, crypto, un-banking),  geographic locle, or creating alternative institutions.

For example, a cell might start a local marketplace for exchanging goods, or parents in a cell may form a homeschool co-op.

Freedom Cell members are encouraged to build parallel institutions so as to create resiliency and independence within the network.

Through building and supporting alternative systems such as local food networks, health services, mutual defense groups, counter-economies and communication networks, Freedom Cell members will be able to decouple themselves from the state and other institutions they deem unworthy of their support.

What is the goal of Freedom Cells?

Once groups become large enough in numbers, it becomes possible for participants to opt out in mass and provide for their common wants and needs through the new systems they have created.

The ultimate goal of the network is to build the parallel systems capable of securing the freedom of community members for generations to come.

We are building our own free society.